FY 2019-20
First meeting report of the NCSTC-sponsored project
A Motivational Program for Science Students and Teachers of Uttar Pradesh
through Exhibition and Demonstration (sponsored by NCSTC-DST, New Delhi)
We organizes a 5-day science communication program in October 2019 to impart education about the benefit of learning and doing the better way of Science so as to benefit the health and well-being of human. We chose an rural school site in order to assess the attitude of students to Science and knowledge whether a better science education and scientific skill can give them a sense of more empowerment. Through this program we attempted sensitize the young minds about the importance of Science and Mathematics and interesting way of teaching rich with hands on activities.
Hosted UNSESCO Kaliga prize awardee – Mr. Erik Jacquemyn
(Sponsored by the NCSTC-DST, New Delhi)
From November 15 for about 2 weeks
FY 2017-18
“Awareness Programmes for Young Women on Circadian Rhythm, Lifestyle and Menstrual Health”
Program Coordinators:
1. Ms. Nisha Singh, Ph.D. student, Department of Zoology, University of Delhi
2. Dr. Neelu Anand Jha, Asst. Prof. (ad-hoc), Ramjas College, University of Delhi.
Awareness programmes were conducted for female post-graduate students and research scholars of Delhi University in the Department of Zoology under the aegis of Centre for Biological Timekeeping and Indian Society for Chronobiology.
Held on:
19th September 2018 (18 participants)
13th October 2018 (28 participants)
There was also a group discussion among participants about the effects of lifestyle on menstrual health and how important they think it is necessary to discuss and share knowledge on menstrual biology and menstrual health. The participants felt that changing lifestyle which included stress, irregular sleeping and feeding habits, were the most important causes for irregularities in their menstrual cycle. The participants gave encouraging feedbacks and suggested various issues needs to be discussed in next meetings. The programme holds relevance in the light of growing incidences of menstrual irregularities, hormonal imbalances and polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) in young women.